Thursday, April 3, 2008


Camariloo, CA - April 2, 2008 - The CA Association of Professional Loan Officers (CAPLO), a non-profit association, announced the launch of their 2008 membership drive and Consumer Initiative will begin mid April 2008.

Natalia Rudiak, membership marketing coordinator indicated that membership in the association is restricted to licensed Department of Real Estate (DRE) salespersons. Rudiak explained the association's position regarding restricted membership stems from an overwhelming degree of fraud and mistrust in the mortgage industry. Rudiak went on to explain the associations position that licensed, professionally affiliated loan salespersons are the safer, smarter choice for California consumers looking for real estate financing.

The Association's position is to support licensed DRE salesperson in their role as independent business persons who adhere to strict licensing and continuing education guidelines and regulations. Those salespersons that qualify for membership will enjoy full access to association benefits and resources including the association consumer marketing initiative.

Rudiak explained the association will be partnering with consumer groups and associations that agree with CAPLO safe lending objectives under its Responsible Lending initiative and will open a portal on the Association website where consumers can locate and contact DRE licensed loan salespersons directly from the site at no charge. "We want to provide a vehicle where consumers have trust in and are comfortable finding a professional loan salesperson". Rudiak explained further that consumers can check license status of any mortgage salesperson from the association's site, even non-member loan salespersons. Rudiak also added that statewide escrow, title, appraisal and notary companies have agreed to provide services under contract for association members.

For more information about CAPLO email, or contact Robert Sofsky (888) 685-9476. The associations website can be accessed at

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